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10 Traits That’ll Cause Someone to Lose Hotness Points


It’s Harley here! I don’t know about you, but my friends and I have a hotness scale. We give a guy points based on certain christenings and traits. They could also lose points for things they did, say, and traits they have.

The folks of Reddit decided to put together a list of the traits that would cause a person to lose hotness points. I have to agree with these! Let us know if these are some of your deal-breakers as well!

  1. Being Arrogant
  2. Acting Entitled
  3. Littering of any kind
  4. Constantly Talking
  5. Being Rude
  6. Shopping is hobby
  7. Talking Politics or Religion all the time
  8. Having NO Sense of Humor
  9. Bad Hygiene
  10. Not returning your shopping cart to the return rack

Most of these are dealbreakers for me as well! The only one I have to disagree with is the talking too much… that expalins why I went through long periods of singleness! LOL
